With a blink of an eye, we have reached the end of September 2021 and the celebration of eCloudvalley's 8th birthday is coming to an end. Did you have as much fun as us? 🥰
Our dear friends, we are sad to end this celebration but we sure are ending it with a bang! 💥
Let's play the eCloudvalley Crossword Puzzle, to test your knowledge of eCloudvalley! ✍🏼
The answer will be shared in the first comment
同時也有174部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過325的網紅Keith KK,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi! I am Keith, a guy from Taiwan. I was a hair dresser and now being Youtuber. - Subscribe now! https://reurl.cc/qmgvZR - My Instagram http://www.i...
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第四集 (一連七集) 哈佛知識分享: What is strategy? How do you create value? 什麼是策略 ? 你如何創造價值?
"The first test of a strategy is whether your value proposition is different from your rivals. If you are trying to serve the same customers and meet the same needs and sell at the same relative price, then you don't have a strategy. " by Michael Porter
如果你嘅價值主張係同你嘅競爭對手一樣, 即係話你服務緊同一班顧客, 解決緊同一問題, 收緊差唔多價錢的話, 哈佛教授米高波特就講你係「人做你做」,你「無策略」 。
咁何謂一個好嘅策略 Good Strategy? 教授講要經得起五個 Tests:
A distinctive value proposition 獨特的價值主張
A tailored value chain 度身訂造的企業價值鏈
Trade-offs different from rivals 同競爭對手不同的「取捨」
Fit across value chain 成條企業價值鏈的活動要配合
Continuity over time 持續性、持續性,不能一時一樣
今集先再你講(1) 同 (2)。 (1) 何謂獨特的價值主張? 你先回答以下三條問題,睇下你同競爭對手有乜唔同。
Which customers are you serving? (What end users? What channels?) 你服務緊邊班客? 誰是最終顧客? 什麼渠道接觸他們?
Which needs are you going to meet? (What products、features、services?) 你想滿足他們什麼需求? 什麼產品、特徵 、服務?
What relative price? (Premium or discount?) 相比起競爭對手,你打算賣貴啲或平啲?
"The value proposition is the element of strategy that looks outward at customers, at the demand side of the business. The value chain focuses internally on operations. Strategy is fundamentally integrative, bringing the demand and supply sides together." by Michael Porter
策略入面的「價值主張」 是從由顧客的「需求」角度出發。 「企業價值鏈」反而是由內部的營運流程「供應」出發。 策略的基礎就係把「需求」及「供應」兩者整合在一起。
你要有好嘅策略,你就要第 (2) Have a tailored value chain 有一條度身訂造的企業價值鏈。由入貨、加工、包裝、市場推廣、 銷售 、出貨、至售後服務都要同競爭對手唔同, 都係度身訂做去服務你以上「價值主張」要服務的顧客。
Michael Porter 話做生意常犯嘅錯誤,亦都係最忌嘅就係 "Stuck in the middle" 「卡住喺中間」。即係平又唔係平過人, 靚又唔係靚過人, 服務嗰班客或者佢哋嘅需求又唔係特別嘅過人,咁你就乜唔係,「價值主張」無乜特別,好難突出。咁你可以點?
例如, 如果就咁開間租車公司,你點同業界巨頭 Hertz, Budget, Avis 打呢? 好容易就 "Stuck in the middle", 因此絕大部分嘅租車公司你都唔會識,我亦都唔會提。 但美國有間獨特的租車公司,Zipcar, 佢同一般嘅租車公司好唔同。
Zipcar 唔係好似絕大部分嘅租車公司咁, target 區外客, 到咗某個城市要租車週圍走。佢係 target 平時市區內住,無養車, 但突然間想租車走一轉嘅人仕。佢唔係按「日租」,而係按「時租」, 你想去超級市場買一轉餸都可以租。
Zipcar冇話特定嘅租車中心, 而係啲車周街泊, 透過佢嘅Apps 你就知道架車泊咗係邊度及還車地點。 咁就更加方便同埋近你屋企。公司營運成本都平好多。
Zipcar 的車種經常畀人感覺係較 “Cool" ,比較型仔啲、環保啲。 佢唔會花好多錢大賣電視/戶外廣告,而係喺架車身上面貼住大大個公司 hip logo,變相周街免費流動廣告。
Zipcar 叫自己做 Car Sharing Company, not Car Rental Company。因為唔係個個人都租得,而只係付月費/年費的會員才能夠租。 依家月費每月7元美金或年費70元美金。咁佢就可以每次收費更平出租,但重複地賺你個月費年費。 佢想建立個形象就係 Car Sharing 遠遠環保過自己一個買架、保養、同埋棄置成架車。專攻年輕、活躍、較 "Green“ 的新一代。
Zipcar 仲有好多好多嘅特點講唔晒。總之就係,佢嘅 value proposition 價值主張 (Which Customers? Which Needs? What Relative Price?) 同所有其他租車公司巨頭都唔同, 成條嘅企業價值都係為咗個「價值主張」而去度身訂,同所有競爭對手都好唔同。
記住前幾集我同你講過,what's the right mind-set for competition? 你應該點諗競爭?
盡量得,你應該諗 Not be the the best, but be unique。 唔係要做到最好,而係做到最獨特。Zipcar is unique.
Not be number 1, but earn higher returns. 唔係要做到第一,而係要多啲回報,賺多啲錢! Zipcar 回報最高嘅係不斷重複收嘅月費年費,最穩定。
Not focus on market share, but focus on profits. 唔係要市佔率,係要利潤。Zipcar 賺錢。
Not serve the "best" customer with "best" product, but meet the diverse needs of target customers. 唔係要「最好」嘅產品,畀「最好」嘅客。而係用唔同嘅產品,滿足唔同顧客嘅需求。Zipcar 班客同其他租車公司好唔同。
Not compete by imitation, but compete by innovation. 唔係人做你做,而係要創新! Zipcar 肯定創新。
Not ZERO SUM game, but POSITIVE SUM. 唔係「零和遊戲」、互相廝殺, 而係大家從不同層面創造價值, 可以有好多個贏家。Zipcar 吸引咗一班平時唔係租開車嘅客, 佢做大咗個餅。
Zipcar 就係做到上 "Be Unique“ 嘅表表者。因此短短幾年間就可以係租車業界一支箭咁標上去,2000年係美國波士頓創立, 2013年就俾另一租車業界巨頭 Avis Budget Group 以美金5億收購了。2016年9月 Zipcar 公佈,全球9個國家,500個城市,擁有超過一百萬個會員。 一百萬個付費會員, 即使全部人唔租車,只係收月費年費都幾和味。 呢個就係我成日所講嘅做生意要做「農夫」,唔好做「獵人」,必須要客人係重複性購買, 你塊田先至會越嚟越大。
包括我自己在內,如果我純粹買賣舖, 根本我同其他商舖投資者無分別, 我錢又唔夠佢哋多,經驗又唔夠佢哋老到。 直接對撼,I have no strategy! 但我做「商舖基金」就完全唔同啦。班目標顧客、佢哋嘅需求、我所收嘅價錢,都完全唔同。 大家都係做「舖」,但我成條做「舖」嘅「企業價值鏈」, 由集資、買舖、 整理間舖、搵租客、諗計仔幫佢做多啲生意、至出售間舖、同售後服務, 都係同其他競爭對手唔同。亦都解釋咗點解, 即使社運/肺炎,我哋基金每季集資起碼6000港幣都季季爆額,近年全香港買賣街舖無人多過我哋, 我相信只要我哋專注係我哋條買舖的獨特嘅「企業價值鏈」,未來幾十年香港都唔會有人買賣舖多過我哋。
"Choices in the value proposition that limit what a company will do are essential to strategy because they create the opportunity to tailor activities in a way that best delivers that kind of value." by Michael Porter
「選擇」係重要嘅! 你公司就要選有乜嘢做,同更重要 - 有乜嘢唔做,咁你先至可以更加度身訂造地做好你成條「企業價值鏈」,去為你嘅「價值主張」創造最佳價值。
有興趣一齊研究下點做? 聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (3) Trade-offs different from rivals 同競爭對手,應該有什麼不同的「取捨」?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
九月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
#michael_porter #競爭策略
end to end test 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
A drill to test the counterstrike capabilities of the domestically-built Indigenous Defense Fighter (#IDF) was held in Taichung Friday, marking the end of the five-day live-fire component of the #HanKuang exercises.
end to end test 在 Keith KK Youtube 的精選貼文
Hi! I am Keith, a guy from Taiwan.
I was a hair dresser and now being Youtuber.
Subscribe now! https://reurl.cc/qmgvZR
My Instagram
time mark
0:00 intro
2:28 amateur pancake tutorial
5:41 try to reach NHS
9:07 do my civid test myself
11:57 in need of a fresh me - get myself a hair cut
13:33 calling it an end
so yeah, me doing some random stuff while I quarantined
Music disclaimer
Music by Laveer - Land - https://thmatc.co/?l=7E388A1B
Music by Mr. Thibs - Nice Guys (feat. Anderson Bazile Jr & Q-Tea) - https://thmatc.co/?l=C1858F0A
Music by HONÜ - Summer Sunshine - https://thmatc.co/?l=7D861350

end to end test 在 Kohki Yamaguchi Youtube 的精選貼文
Sony recently announced the Xperia 1III and I had the honor of getting it in hand early, so I have been testing its capabilities for a while. This is the first look at the phone!
If you have been following my journey as a creator for a while, you'd know that I am in love with the Sony Alpha series cameras. When I heard that the Xperia 1III can shoot with the same format and style as my Alpha camera's, it got my attention.
I recently visited Fukuoka to test out the photography pro feature and I had such a fun time taking photographs with the Xperia 1III. This, I believe, is end game for smartphones.
To follow up on this review, I will soon be taking you all along on a photography trip with the Xperia, to show you what kind of results you could get using this phone and its photography pro feature.
Sony Xperia: https://www.youtube.com/user/sonyxperia
My Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/kohki
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Kohki
My Store: https://www.kohkipresets.com
My Website: https://www.kohkicontent.com
0:00 intro
0:22 Specs
2:55 Photography feature
4:16 Cinematography feature
5:24 Conclusion
#SonyXperia1III #Xperia #review

end to end test 在 IELTS Fighter Youtube 的精選貼文
Describe a historical figure that you find the most impressive. (Mô tả một nhân vật lịch sử bạn thấy ấn tượng nhất). Đề này tương tự đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 describe a person you admire nhé. Nào cùng tham khảo bài nói nhé!
? Tổng thể bài nói về nhân vật lịch sử có Part 1-2-3 đây nha: https://bit.ly/3wvFn2z
If someone asks me about one historical figure that I like the most, it will definitely be President Ho Chi Minh. I am sure that President Ho is admired and loved not only by Vietnamese people but also residents in other countries around the world. He is a prominent leader and he led many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring peace and protect national sovereignty.
(Reason) President Ho is well known for leading a simple life and spending all his life fighting for the happniess of Vietnamese people and the independence of the nation.
(Example) He was born into an impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he could understand the misery and poverty that were caused by war to Vietnamese people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to go to some foreign countries to find a way to save the country. He went through a lot of ups and downs but with his decisiveness and patriotism, he came back to Vietnam with innovative ideas to improve the policies as well as eliminate invaders.
President Ho had achieved a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he never thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life. Now there are many memorials of President Ho in different countries for people to honor one of the greatest men in the world’s history.
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? IELTS Speaking band 7+ |New Sample Test with subtitles: http://bit.ly/2JG8n1y
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? KHÓA HỌC TRỌN GÓI 7.0 IELTS CAM KẾT ĐẦU RA: http://bit.ly/331M26x
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CS1: 254 Hoàng Văn Thái, Thanh Xuân
CS2: 44 Trần Quốc Hoàn, Cầu Giấy
CS4: 388 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Long Biên
CS3: 456 Xã Đàn, Đống Đa
CS5: 18 LK6C Nguyễn Văn Lộc, Hà Đông
CS6: 737 Quang Trung, Hà Đông
CS7: 22 Nguyễn Hoàng (gần bến xe Mỹ Đình)
CS8: 107 Xuân La, Số nhà D21, P. Xuân Đỉnh, Q. Bắc Từ Liêm
CS9: A11 Bà Hom, P13, Q6
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CS11: 85 Điện Biên Phủ, Bình Thạnh
CS12: 18 Phan Văn Trị, Gò Vấp
CS13: 350 đường 3/2, P12, Q10
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CS15: 129 Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q7
CS16: 926B Tạ Quang Bửu, P5, Q8
CS17: 386 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, P5, Q3
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CS22: 254 Tôn Đức Thắng, Q. Liên Chiểu
CS23: 226 Ngũ Hành Sơn, P. Mỹ An, Q. Ngũ Hành Sơn
CS24: 428 Lạch Tray, Ngô Quyền
CS25: 498 Ngô Gia Tự, Phường Tiền An
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end to end test 在 Declarative end to end functional testing (endly) - GitHub 的推薦與評價
An end to end testing is a methodology which comprehensively tests an application in the environment closely imitating production system with all network ... ... <看更多>
end to end test 在 What Is End To End Testing? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
In this What Is Wednesday, I cover What Is End To End Testing? ~~~~Video Links~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Buy VueJS For Everyone: ... ... <看更多>